
Mobile Vehicle Inspection App for streamlining daily vehicle checking, tachograph reporting and driver infringement sign-off.
VsafeCheck enables the recording of vehicle safety / daily walk-around checks via a driver’s mobile device.
Managers can instantly track which vehicles have been checked and by which driver. Any recorded defects can be viewed and managed including images and video uploaded by the driver.
In addition, the app can be linked with downloaded tachograph ddd files so that driver infringements can be handled remotely, with electronic sign off by the driver within the app without the need for a physical debrief. Unresolved cases are immediately identifiable on screen.
VsafeCheck minimises driver downtime and gives management convenient, complete and up-to-date information on the company fleet, ensuring it is compliant with relevant regulations at all times and that vehicle defects are addressed as efficiently as possible.
- avail of bespoke checks based on vehicle type and the relevant regulatory requirements
- image and video capture on the app, sent to the service department, facilitates early recognition of defects and speedy repair
- fleet maintenance plans and scheduling are optimised with real-time comprehensive reports on the health of your vehicles

Contact us
For queries, please phone 353 21 4757272 or email info@adas.ie
ADAS.ie, Unit 703, Euro Business Park,Little Island, Co. Cork, T45 EC52
Email: info@adas.ie
Website: www.adas.ie